Możliwość uzyskania doktoratu na uczelni zagranicznej!
05 listopada 2020

Informujemy o możliwości aplikowania na konkurs  Martí i Franquès 2020 w ramach którego można się ubiegać o stanowisko doktoranta na Rovira i Virgili University w Hiszpanii.

Zapraszamy absolwentów studiów magisterskich, którzy chcieliby uzyskać stopień doktora o zapoznanie się z poniższą informacją i złożenie aplikacji w terminie do 15.11.2020 roku.

W obecnej edycji konkursu oferowanych jest aż 76 miejsc!

W razie dodatkowych pytań proszę o kontakt bezpośrednio z Rovira i Virgili University.


The Martí i Franquès Call 2020 is now open! Applications from master’s graduates (or equivalent) who would like to pursue a doctoral degree at our university are welcome. In this Call we are offering 76 PhD positions, under two different editions: STANDARD and MSCA-COFUND. Applications may be submitted until 15/11/2020.

Apply now!

In 2020, 76 PhD selected candidates (one position reserved for a researcher with disabilities, under the MSCA-COFUND Edition) will be the beneficiaries of a 3-year employment contract, and all the advantages of the Martí i Franquès Programme: 

  • Highly competitive and attractive salaries.
  • The chance to participate in co-tutorship; that is, in a cotutelle agreement between other universities and the URV.
  • An international environment, supported by the endorsement to the European Charter & Code.
  • Enrolment in excellent doctoral programmes.
  • Access to a comprehensive research training package, together with an attractive transversal skills programme.
  • The opportunity to undertake research in one of the top 600 universities in the world (101-150th THE Young Universities Ranking).
  • Access to high-quality facilities and infrastructure for research & innovation.
  • Open, Transparent and Merit based Recruitment.
  • Equal opportunities for all.

The positions are based on individual projects encompassing all areas of research: Sciences, Health Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Social and Legal Sciences.

Francesc Díaz González
Vice-rector for Research and Scientific Planning

Contact us:
Martí i Franquès STANDARD edition:
Martí i Franquès MSCA-COFUND edition: