Mid-term evaluation

Mid-term evaluation is a key stage in the training process of doctoral students, carried out in the middle of the training period (usually after the 4th semester). Its purpose is to verify progress in the implementation of the Individual Research Plan (IPB) and in the preparation of the doctoral dissertation. The evaluation is carried out by a three-member committee, including at least one person from outside the university who holds a doctoral degree in the doctoral student's discipline. The process includes the submission of a report on the IPB, an oral presentation of achievements and a discussion with the committee. The result of the evaluation can be positive or negative, with a negative evaluation resulting in removal from the list of doctoral students. A positive evaluation provides an opportunity for further training at the Doctoral School and is associated with an increase in the doctoral stipend. The mid-term evaluation is an important moment of reflection on the progress made so far and planning for further training at the Doctoral School.

In accordance with the Regulations of the Doctoral School, the University provides information about the results and justification of the mid-term evaluation in the Public Information Bulletin.