Free photocopying

Persons who, due to their disability, have difficulty taking notes during lectures on their own may photocopy materials from classes free of charge.

Free photocopying services are currently available:
•    Registrar’s  Office: Faculty of Construction, Architecture and Environmental Engineering (Building C)
•    Registrar’s Office: Faculty of Telecommunications, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (Building E)
•    Office of the Institute of Mathematics and Physics (WTiICh): room 106 (Building F)

A free photocopying, printing, and scanning point has been created at the Main Reading Room of BG PBS (RIC room C11/12). 
To use the service, you need to:

•    apply for support at the Center for Education and Student Affairs (Building J, room J108A/ 1st floor),
•    the service can be used after a favourable opinion of the Vice-Rector for Education and Student Affairs of PBŚ,
•    an undergraduate/graduate/postgraduate student/doctoral candidate receives a supported user card,
•    the application may be submitted twice a year,
•    each time an undergraduate/graduate/postgraduate student/doctoral candidate certifies with their signature the use of support on the service record form at the employee of the Main Reading Room of BG PBS on duty,
•    for the duration of using the Point, the card of the supported user should be left with the employee of the Main Reading Room.

NOTE: The application can be downloaded from the Center for Education and Student Affairs, Building J, room J108A/ 1st floor.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Center for Education and Student Affairs of PBŚ phone number: 52 374-94-80, Main Reading Room of BG PBS phone: +48 52 340-80-28,