Research data
Research data generated during publicly funded research under the adoption by the European Parliament of the Council (EU) of the Directive on open data and the re-use of public sector information (2019/1024) in June 2019 has been included in public sector data, and thus are subject to, among others open sharing obligation. Many institutions financing research projects require the preparation of an appropriate research data management plan. The Data Management Plan (DMP) is intended to present issues related to the production or acquisition of data, file formats in which data will be saved, discuss data storage, access to data and information on their reuse, present legal and ethical aspects of data sharing, financial, infrastructural and competence issues of the planned research project. The National Science Center is the first Polish institution to introduce DMP to its competitions and make it an obligatory element of a grant application.
For Researchers of Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology who want to apply for funds for research projects, e.g. from the National Science Center, we have prepared help in the form of a DMP form. The form diagram is available below. The form provided must be completed and adapted to the individual project. The research data team, appointed by the Rector (Z.189.2020.2021) in cooperation with the department coordinators for research data, also prepared forms for individual faculties. The templates are available in the PBS internal network .
The Science Centre conducts consultations on the preparation of the DMP.
Faculty Research Data Coordinators:
• WBAiIŚ -
• WHiBZ - prof. dr hab. inż. Dariusz Pierzynski
• WIM - dr hab. inż. Adam Lipski, University professor
• WRiB - prof. dr hab. inż. Anna Piotrowska-Długosz
• WTiICH - dr inż. Justyna Czajka
• WTIiE - dr inż. Zbigniew Lutowski
• WZ - dr inż. Ewa Koreleska